See Git commits for more detailed list of changes.
QE-7.4 support (cDFPT patch, EPW patch not needed anymore)
Fixed sign of model electron-phonon coupling (TaS₂ and chain)
Phonon unscreening also possible on supercell (sparse MD driver)
Preliminary implementation of two Fermi levels
No buffering of info messages
Support for
version 4.0.0Loading of .xyz files (needed for i-PI example) was broken in version 0.27
Faster calculation of long-range terms
Syntax upgrade (absolute imports, Python 3)
New function to define uniform meshes
Fixed methods to shift orbitals and atoms
Various new unit tests
Small but relevant bugfix in new EPW interface
Superconductivity calculations on large supercells
Improved documentation (patches, conventions, source-code links)
New format for Wigner-Seitz data (wigner.fmt)
Fan-Migdal self-energy and Green-Kubo conductivity
Size-consistent Ewald parameter (as in development version of QE)
Allen-Dynes formula with strong-coupling and shape corrections
Improved handling of atomic projections (phase, spin-orbit coupling)
Improved MD driver and i-PI example
Calculation of band velocity without finite differences
Documentation of indices of matrix elements
Export of coupling in EPW format (.epmatwp)
Transformation of coupling to arbitrary real-space meshes
Cleanup of routines related to Wigner-Seitz cell
for nearest-neighbor model input data
QE-7.3 support (cDFPT patch, no longer included in source distribution)
pyproject.toml-based build with reviewed requirements
Scripts replaced by entry points (for editable installs and portability)
Phonons and faster forces from MD driver using sparse coupling matrices
Official PNG version of logo
Read the Docs theme
First unit test
Various bugfixes and optimizations
Import of Wannier Hamiltonian from RESPACK
Export of dynamical matrices from MD driver
Support for more QE Bravais lattices
Support for electron-electron interaction beyond 2D systems
Consistent mapping of electron-electron interaction to supercells
Export of electron-electron interaction in RESPACK format (dat.Wmat)
Option to suppress status bars
Bugfix and example related to Eliashberg theory
Model input data (electrons, phonons, and coupling) for TaS₂
Faster mapping to supercells
Tight-binding models from perturbed states on supercells
Export of tight-binding model in Wannier90 format (_hr.dat)
QE-7.2 support (cDFPT patch)
Dynamical matrices and force constants from XML files
Several bugfixes related to supercells and long-range components
Experimental long-range part of sparse dynamical matrix and coupling
Electron-phonon matrix elements directly from PHonon code (QE patch)
Consistent matrix-elements and Fourier-transform convention for phonons
Export of mass-spring models in QE force-constants format (
)Export of band structures in QE bands format (
)Some bugfixes and optimizations
Charge-density-wave molecular dynamics using i-PI
Animated relaxation of 1D Peierls and 2D Kekulé dimerization
Experimental acoustic-sum-rule correction for coupling
Parameters of McMillan’s formula from smearing method
Determination of Fermi level via fixed-point iteration
Mapping of Born effective charges etc. to supercells
Decay of electron-phonon matrix elements
No MPI overhead for serial runs
More accurate symmetrization methods
More efficient setup of large supercells
Hamiltonian, dynamical matrix, and coupling as sparse matrices
Jmol’s atom “CPK” colors []
RPA and cRPA Coulomb interaction from RESPACK
Example on electron-phonon fluctuation diagnostics
2D long-range electrostatics by Poncé et al. [PRB 107, 155424 (2023)]
Various bugfixes and optimizations
Handling of wave functions and charge density from QE
1D linear interpolation
Phonon models from dynamical-matrix files (skip
)Long-range terms of dynamical matrices and coupling from cDFPT
Faster band unfolding
Calculation of band and entropy contributions from PWscf output
Generalized entropy for all smearing functions
QE-7.1 support (cDFPT patch)
Module docstrings
More efficient smearing functions
Fluctuation diagnostics of triangle diagram
No nested progress bars
Changeable long- and corresponding short-range phonons and coupling
Automatic detection of two-dimensional systems (
Phonon self-energy as a function of separate vertices
Decluttered plot module (some functions now in StoryLines package)
Support for
files (tight-binding data from Wannier90)
Model input data (electrons, phonons, and coupling) for graphene
New function to write interatomic force constants in QE format
Calculation of phonon spectral function
Calculation of phonon self-energy arising from Fermi-level shift
Further functions generalized to 3D
Symmetrization of Hamiltonian, dynamical matrix, and coupling
Long-range dipole and quadrupole terms of dynamical matrix and coupling
1st and 3rd order of diagrammatic expansion of grand potential
Derivatives of delta functions
Mapping to supercells with “negative volume”
Fixed sign in Marzari-Vanderbilt-De Vita-Payne smearing
Interatomic distances are stored together with force constants
More forgiving namelist input
QE-7.0 support (cDFPT patch)
New electron-electron class (incl. supercell mapping)
Shared-memory array as subclass of NumPy array
Improved handling of XCrySDen and Gaussian cube files
QE patches included in source distribution
Flexible basis/motif of tight-binding and mass-spring models
Improved selection of cDFPT target subspaces
Faster Fourier transforms (Hamiltonian, dynamical matrix, coupling)
QE-6.8 support (cDFPT patch, optimal Wigner-Seitz weights in EPW)
Wannier functions in position representation as part of TB model
Mapping of all models to arbitrary commensurate supercells
New functions to read and write input of QE phonon codes
New Bash script to prevent NumPy’s auto-parallelization
Fixed ordering of eigenvectors calculated on 2D mesh
Examples run successfully without
New QE input parameters
QE modifications provided as Git patches instead of scripts
Mapping of tight-binding and mass-spring models onto supercell
Support for
filesSeveral functions generalized to 3D
Improved handling of Bravais lattices
pip install elphmod
installs helper scripts
Initial pre-release