Coulomb interaction from VASP.
- class elphmod.elel.Model(uijkl=None, vijkl_full=None, vijkl_redu=None, nq=None, no=None, Wmat=None, a=None, r=None, angle=120)[source]
Localized model for electron-electron interaction.
Currently, only square and hexagonal Bravais lattices are supported.
- Parameters:
- uijklstr
File with Coulomb tensor in orbital basis on uniform q mesh.
- vijkl_full, vijkl_redustr
Files with full and reduced bare Coulomb tensors. The difference is added as a correction to the Coulomb tensor provided via uijkl.
- nqtuple of int or int
Number of q points per dimension. If an integer is given, a 2D mesh with nq points in both the first and the second dimension is assumed (for backward compatibility). If omitted or
, lattice vectors and corresponding interactions from Wmat are used unmodified.- noint
Number of orbitals. Ignored if Wmat is used.
- Wmatstr
File with density-density Coulomb matrix in orbitals basis for different lattice vectors.
- andarray, optional
Bravais lattice vectors. By default, a 2D lattice with angle between the first and the second basis vector is assumed.
- rndarray, optional
Positions of orbital centers. By default, all orbitals are assumed to be located at the origin of the unit cell.
- anglenumber, default 120
Angle between lattice vectors in degrees.
- Attributes:
- Rndarray
Lattice vectors \(\vec R\) of Wigner-Seitz supercell.
- datandarray
Corresponding density-density interaction in orbital basis.
- sizeint
Number of Wannier functions.
- cellslist of tuple of int, optional
Lattice vectors of unit cells if the model describes a supercell.
- Nlist of tuple of int, optional
Primitive vectors of supercell if the model describes a supercell.
- W(q1=0, q2=0, q3=0)[source]
Set up density-density Coulomb matrix for arbitrary q point.
- Parameters:
- q1, q2, q3float, default 0.0
q point in crystal coordinates with period \(2 \pi\).
- Returns:
- ndarray
Fourier transform of
- WR(R1=0, R2=0, R3=0)[source]
Get density-density Coulomb matrix for arbitrary lattice vector.
- Parameters:
- R1, R2, R3int, default 0
Lattice vector in units of primitive vectors.
- Returns:
- ndarray
Element of
or zero.
- standardize(eps=0.0)[source]
Standardize real-space interaction data.
Keep only nonzero matrix elements.
Sum over repeated lattice vectors.
Sort lattice vectors.
- Parameters:
- epsfloat
Threshold for “nonzero” matrix elements in units of the maximum matrix element.
- supercell(N1=1, N2=1, N3=1)[source]
Map localized model for electron-electron interaction onto supercell.
- Parameters:
- N1, N2, N3tuple of int or int, default 1
Supercell lattice vectors in units of primitive lattice vectors. Multiples of single primitive vector can be defined via a scalar integer, linear combinations via a 3-tuple of integers.
- Returns:
- object
Localized model for electron-electron interaction for supercell.
- elphmod.elel.hartree_energy(rho_g, g_vect, ngm_g, uc_volume, a=1.0)[source]
Calculate the Hartree energy in units of Rydberg.
This function is basically a copy of Quantum ESPRESSO’s subroutine
.All input parameters can be obtained from reading the formatted charge-density output. Use
for this purpose.- Parameters:
- rho_gndarray
Electronic charge density \(\rho(\vec G)\) on reciprocal-space grid points.
- g_vectndarray
Reciprocal lattice vectors \(\vec G\).
- ngm_ginteger
Number of reciprocal lattice vectors.
- uc_volume: float
Unit-cell volume.
- Returns:
- ehartfloat
Hartree energy in units of Rydberg.
- elphmod.elel.orbital2band(U, H, nq, nk, band=0, status=False, share=False, dd=False)[source]
Transform Coulomb interaction from orbital basis onto single band.
- elphmod.elel.q2r(elel, W, a, r, fft=True)[source]
Interpolate electron-electron interaction on uniform q-point mesh.
- Parameters:
- elel
Localized model for electron-electron interaction.
- Wndarray
Density-density interaction matrices on complete uniform q-point mesh.
- andarray
Bravais lattice vectors.
- rndarray
Positions of orbital centers.
- fftbool
Perform Fourier transform? If
, only the mapping to the Wigner-Seitz cell is performed.
- elel
- elphmod.elel.read_band_Coulomb_interaction(filename, nQ, nk, binary=False, share=False)[source]
Read Coulomb interaction for single band in band basis.
- elphmod.elel.read_local_Coulomb_tensor(filename, no, dd=False)[source]
Read local Coulomb tensor from VASP.