Charge-density-wave dynamics on supercells.
- class, kT, f, n, nk=(1,), nq=(1,), supercell=None, unscreen=True, shared_memory=True, **kwargs)[source]
MD driver for DFPT-based displacements dynamics.
- Parameters:
- elph
Localized model for electron-phonon coupling. Initialize
and map everthing to the appropriate supercell before (elph.supercell
).- kTfloat
Smearing temperature in Ry.
- ffunction
Particle distribution as a function of energy divided by kT.
- nfloat
Number of electrons per primitive cell.
- nk, nqtuple of int, optional
Shape of k and q mesh. By default, only k = q = 0 is used.
- supercellndarray, optional
Supercell lattice vectors as multiples of primitive lattice vectors. If given, the simulation is performed on a supercell for q = k = 0. Sparse matrices are used for Hamiltonian, dynamical matrix, and electron-phonon coupling to save memory. Note that elph should belong to the primitive cell in this case, and nq and nk are only used for the unscreening, which is still done one the primitive cell. To do the unscreening on the supercell (recommended), a sparse supercell model elph can be directly provided instead of using this option.
- unscreenbool, default True
Unscreen phonons? Otherwise, they are assumed to be unscreened already.
- shared_memorybool, default True
in shared memory?- **kwargs
Attributes to be set initially.
- elph
- Attributes:
- elph, kT, f, n, nk, nq
Copies of initialization parameters.
- mufloat
Current chemical potential.
- k, qndarray
k and q meshes.
- undarray
Atomic displacements.
- C0ndarray
Unscreened force constants.
- H0ndarray
Unperturbed electron Hamiltonian in orbital basis.
- d0ndarray
Electron-phonon coupling in orbital basis.
- dndarray
Electron-phonon coupling in band basis.
- sparsebool
Is the simulation performed on a supercell using sparse matrices?
- interactivebool, default False
Shall plots be updated interactively?
- scalefloat, default 10.0
Displacement scaling factor for plots.
- sizefloat, default 100.0
Marker size for atoms in points squared.
- pausefloat, default 1e-3
Minimal frame duration for interactive plots in seconds.
- basislist of list, default None
For each basis atom in the first primitive cell, indices of orbitals located at this atom. Matching atom and orbital orders as ensured by
are required.- node, imagesMPI.Intracomm
Communicators between processes that share memory or same
if shared_memory.
- density()[source]
Calculate electron density for all orbitals.
- Returns:
- ndarray
Electron density. Should add up to the number of electrons.
- electrons(seedname=None, dk1=1, dk2=1, dk3=1, rydberg=False)[source]
Set up tight-binding model for current structure.
- Parameters:
- seednamestr
Prefix of file with Hamiltonian in Wannier90 format.
- dk1, dk2, dk3int, optional
Only use data for every dkn-th k point along the n-th axis? This reduces the size of the Hamiltonian file.
- rydbergbool, default False
Keep Ry units? Otherwise they are converted to eV.
- Returns:
- object
Tight-binding model for the electrons.
- free_energy(u=None, show=True)[source]
Calculate free energy.
- Parameters:
- undarray
Updated atomic displacements (e.g., from optimization routine).
- showbool
Print free energy?
- Returns:
- float
Free energy in Ry.
- from_xyz(xyz)[source]
Load saved atomic positions if compatible.
If an interactive plot is open, it is updated. If xyz contains a full trajectory, all steps are shown in an interactive plot (whose speed can be controlled via
) and the last atomic positions are kept.- Parameters:
- xyzstr
Name of .xyz file.
- hessian(parameters=None, gamma_only=True, apply_asr_simple=False, fildyn=None, eps=1e-10, kT=None)[source]
Calculate second derivative of free energy.
- Parameters:
- parametersndarray
Dummy positional argument for optimization routines.
- gamma_onlydefault True
Calculate Hessian for q = 0 only?
- apply_asr_simpledefault False
Apply simple acoustic sum rule correction to force constants according to Eq. 81 of Gonze and Lee, Phys. Rev. B 55, 10355 (1997)? This is done before saving the Hessian to file.
- fildynstr, optional
Filename to save Hessian.
- epsfloat
Smallest allowed absolute value of divisor.
- kTfloat, optional
Smearing temperature. If given, it is used to calculate the double Fermi-surface average of the electron-phonon coupling squared, which is then also returned.
- Returns:
- ndarray
Force constants in Ry per bohr squared.
- ndarray, optional
Fermi-surface average of electron-phonon coupling squared.
- jacobian(parameters=None, show=True)[source]
Calculate first derivative of free energy.
- Parameters:
- parametersndarray
Dummy positional argument for optimization routines.
- showbool
Print free energy?
- Returns:
- ndarray
Negative forces in Ry per bohr.
- static load(filename)[source]
Load driver from file.
This should only be used in serial runs. Shared memory will be lost.
- Parameters:
- filenamestr
Filename for pickled representation of driver.
- Returns:
- object
MD driver for DFPT-based displacements dynamics.
- phonons(divide_mass=True, **kwargs)[source]
Set up mass-spring model for current structure.
- Parameters:
- divide_massbool
Divide force constants by atomic masses?
- **kwargs
Parameters passed to
- Returns:
- object
Mass-spring model for the phonons.
- plot(filename=None, interactive=None, scale=None, padding=1.0, size=None, pause=None, label=False, elev=None, azim=None)[source]
Plot crystal structure and displacements.
- Parameters:
- filenamestr, optional
Figure filename. If given, the plot is saved rather than shown.
- interactivebool, optional
Shall the plot be updated? If given, this sets the eponymous attribute, which is used by default.
- scalefloat, optional
Displacement scaling factor. If given, this sets the eponymous attribute, which is used by default.
- paddingfloat, optional
Padding between crystal and plotting box in angstrom.
- sizefloat, optional
Marker size for atoms.
- pausefloat, optional
Minimal frame duration for interactive plots in seconds.
- labelbool, optional
Show atom indices?
- elev, azimfloat, optional
Elevation and azimuthal view angles.
- random_displacements(amplitude=0.01)[source]
Displace atoms randomly from unperturbed positions.
- Parameters:
- amplitudefloat
Maximum displacement.
- save(filename)[source]
Save driver to file.
- Parameters:
- filenamestr
Filename for pickled representation of driver.
- superconductivity(eps=1e-10, kT=None)[source]
Calculate effective couplings and phonon frequencies.
Note that
is destroyed.- Parameters:
- epsfloat
Phonon frequencies squared below eps are set to eps; corresponding couplings are set to zero.
- tolfloat, optional
If any phonon frequency squared is smaller than tol, all return values are
. A very small negative value can be chosen to skip calculations involving significant imaginary frequencies.- kTfloat, optional
Smearing temperature. By default,
is used.
- Returns:
- float
Effective electron-phonon coupling strength \(\lambda\).
- float
Logarithmic average phonon energy.
- float
Second-moment average phonon energy.
- float
Minimum phonon energy. Imaginary frequencies are given as negative.
- to_pwi(pwi, **kwargs)[source]
Save current atomic positions etc. to PWscf input file.
- Parameters:
- pwistr
- **kwargs
Keyword arguments with further parameters to be written.