Source code for storylines.cut

# Copyright (C) 2016-2025 Jan Berges
# This program is free software under the terms of the BSD Zero Clause License.

"""Remove redundant or unwanted points."""

from __future__ import division

import math

from .group import islands

[docs] def relevant(points, error=1e-3): """Remove irrelevant vertices of linear spline. Parameters ---------- points : list of 2-tuple Vertices of linear spline. error : float, optional Tolerated deviation from original spline. Yields ------ 2-tuple Relevant vertex. """ if len(points) < 3: for point in points: yield point return i = 0 def included(angle): return upper is None \ or lower is None \ or (angle - lower) % (2 * math.pi) \ <= (upper - lower) % (2 * math.pi) while True: origin = points[i] yield origin former = 0.0 upper = None lower = None while True: x = points[i + 1][0] - origin[0] y = points[i + 1][1] - origin[1] r = math.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) phi = math.atan2(y, x) if r < former or not included(phi): break i += 1 if i == len(points) - 1: yield points[i] return former = r if r > error: delta = math.asin(error / r) if included(phi + delta): upper = phi + delta if included(phi - delta): lower = phi - delta
[docs] def shortcut(points, length=None, length_rel=1): """Cut off loops at self-intersection points. Parameters ---------- points : list of 2-tuple Vertices of linear spline. length : float Maximum length of loop to be cut off. length_rel : float Maximum length of loop to be cut off relative to the total length of the curve. Returns ------- list of 2-tuple Linear spline with self-intersection loops removed. """ x, y = tuple(zip(*points)) N = len(x) shortcuts = [] dx = [x[i + 1] - x[i] for i in range(N - 1)] dy = [y[i + 1] - y[i] for i in range(N - 1)] dist = [0] for a, b in zip(dx, dy): dist.append(dist[-1] + math.sqrt(a * a + b * b)) if length is None: length = dist[-1] length = min(length, length_rel * dist[-1]) end = [d + length for d in dist] i = 0 while i < N - 1: for j in range(i + 2, N - 1): if dist[j] > end[i]: break det = dy[i] * dx[j] - dx[i] * dy[j] if det: dxij = x[j] - x[i] dyij = y[j] - y[i] u = (dx[j] * dyij - dy[j] * dxij) / det if 0 < u <= 1: v = (dx[i] * dyij - dy[i] * dxij) / det if 0 <= v < 1: if u == 1 and v == 0 and N > 4 == len(shortcut( [(x[k], y[k]) for k in (i, i + 2, j - 1, j + 1)])): print('Preserve non-crossing intersection ' '(%.2g, %.2g)' % (x[j], y[j])) continue shortcuts.append((i, j, x[i] + u * dx[i], y[i] + u * dy[i])) looplen = ( (dist[j + 1] * v + dist[j] * (1 - v)) - (dist[i + 1] * u + dist[i] * (1 - u))) print('Remove loop (%.2gcm, %.2g%%)' % (looplen, looplen / dist[-1] * 100)) i = j break i += 1 x = list(x) y = list(y) for i, j, x0, y0 in reversed(shortcuts): x[i + 1:j + 1] = [x0] y[i + 1:j + 1] = [y0] return list(zip(x, y))
[docs] def cut(points, minimum=None, maximum=None, join=False): """Cut off curve segments beyond y interval. Parameters ---------- points : list of 2-tuple Vertices of linear spline. minimum, maximum : float, default None Lower and upper bound of y interval. join : bool Concatenate remaining curve segments? Yields ------ list of 2-tuple Remaining curve segment. See Also -------- cut : Similar function for 2D case. """ points = [tuple(point) for point in points] for y in minimum, maximum: if y is None: continue n = 0 if join else 1 while n < len(points): x1, y1 = points[n - 1] x2, y2 = points[n] if y1 < y < y2 or y1 > y > y2: x = (x1 * (y2 - y) + x2 * (y - y1)) / (y2 - y1) points.insert(n, (x, y)) n += 1 for island in islands(len(points), lambda n: (minimum is None or points[n][1] >= minimum) and (maximum is None or points[n][1] <= maximum), join): yield [points[n] for n in island]
[docs] def cut2d(points, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, join=False): """Cut off curve segments beyond x and y intervals. Parameters ---------- points : list of 2-tuple Vertices of linear spline. xmin, xmax : float Lower and upper bound of x interval. ymin, ymax : float Lower and upper bound of y interval. join : bool Concatenate remaining curve segments? Yields ------ list of 2-tuple Remaining curve segment. See Also -------- cut : Similar function for 1D case. """ for group in cut(points, ymin, ymax, join): group = [(y, x) for x, y in group] for group in cut(group, xmin, xmax, join): group = [(x, y) for y, x in group] yield group
[docs] def jump(points, distance=1.0): """Interpret long line segments as discontinuities and omit them. Parameters ---------- points : list of 2-tuple Vertices of linear spline. distance : float Shortest line segment to be omitted. Yields ------ list of 2-tuple Separated curve segment. """ points = [tuple(point) for point in points] group = [] for n in range(len(points)): if group: x1, y1 = points[n - 1] x2, y2 = points[n] if (x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2 > distance ** 2: yield group group = [points[n]] continue group.append(points[n]) if group: yield group