Source code for ebmb

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (C) 2016-2025 Jan Berges
# This program is free software under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 or later.

"""Wrapper and auxiliary functions for Eliashberg solver ebmb"""

__version__ = '2.0.0'

import itertools
import numpy as np
from os import path
import subprocess

    from scipy.special import ellipk
except ImportError:
    print('square_dos not available')

[docs] def get(program='ebmb', file='~temporary.dat', replace=True, **parameters): """Run 'ebmb', 'tc' or 'critical' and load results. Parameters ---------- program : str Name of or path to executable. file : str Path to output file. replace : bool Overwrite existing output file? **parameters Program parameters. Returns ------- dict Returned if `program` corresponds to 'ebmb'. Self-energy components etc. ndarray Returned otherwise. Critical parameter(s). """ if replace or not path.exists(file): run(program, file=file, **parameters) if program.endswith('ebmb'): return load(file) else: return load_floats(file)
[docs] def run(program='ebmb', redirect=False, **parameters): """Run 'ebmb', 'tc' or 'critical'. Parameters ---------- program : str Name of or path to executable. If not found, the path to a directory 'bin' located next to this module is prepended before trying again. redirect : bool Do not print but return standard output of program. **parameters Program parameters. """ command = [program] for key, value in parameters.items(): command.append('='.join([key, ','.join(map(str, np.ravel(value)))])) for attempt in range(2): try: if redirect: return subprocess.check_output(command) else: return except FileNotFoundError: command[0] = path.join(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)), 'bin', command[0])
[docs] def read_char(file): """Read character from binary or text file (for Python-3 compatibility). Parameters ---------- file : File Object File opened in binary or text mode. Returns ------- str Next character from file. """ char = if isinstance(char, str): return char else: return str(char, 'utf-8')
[docs] def load(file): """Load output file of 'ebmb'. Parameters ---------- file : str Path to output file. Returns ------- dict Self-energy components etc. """ data = {} with open(file, 'rb') as file: while True: name = ''.join(iter(lambda: read_char(file) or ':', ':')) if name == 'REAL': dtype = np.float64 elif name == 'INT': dtype = np.int32 elif name == 'DIM': shape = np.fromfile(file, np.int32, *np.fromfile(file, np.int32, 1)) elif name: data[name] = np.fromfile(file, dtype, else: return data
[docs] def load_floats(file): """Load output file of 'tc' or 'critical'. Parameters ---------- file : str Path to output file. Returns ------- ndarray Critical parameter(s). """ with open(file, 'rb') as file: data = np.fromfile(file, np.float64) return data if data.size > 1 else data[0]
[docs] def dos(file, epsilon, domain, filters=[], points=101, replace=True): """Calculate subdomain-resolved density of states and save it to file. Parameters ---------- file : str Path to output file. epsilon : function Band structure. domain : list of ndarray Discretized domains of arguments of `epsilon`. filters : list of function N filters defining N + 1 subdomains. points : int Number of energy points. replace : bool Overwrite existing output file? Returns ------- ndarray Energy. ndarray Subdomain-resolved density of states. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python e, dos = ebmb.dos('', epsilon=lambda *k: -np.cos(k).sum() / 2, domain=[np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 1000, endpoint=False)] * 2, filters=[lambda *k: np.pi ** 2 / 2 <=, k) <= np.pi ** 2]) """ if not replace and path.exists(file): return states =, domain))) energy = np.empty(states) pocket = np.empty(states, dtype=int) for i, x in enumerate(itertools.product(*domain)): energy[i] = epsilon(*x) pocket[i] = 0 for element in filters: if element(*x): break pocket[i] += 1 emin = energy.min() emax = energy.max() binned = ((points - 1) * (energy - emin) / (emax - emin)).round().astype(int) pockets = len(filters) + 1 count = np.zeros((points, pockets), dtype=int) for i in range(states): count[binned[i], pocket[i]] += 1 e, de = np.linspace(emin, emax, points, retstep=True) dos = count / (de * count.sum()) dos[(0, -1), :] *= 2 with open(file, 'w') as out: for i in range(points): out.write('% .10f' % e[i]) for j in range(pockets): out.write(' %.10f' % dos[i, j]) out.write('\n') return e, dos if pockets > 1 else dos[:, 0]
[docs] def chain_dos(file='', de=1e-3, t=0.25, bandwidth=None, replace=True): """Calculate density of states of 1D lattice and save it to file. Parameters ---------- file : str Path to output file. de : float Energy resolution. t : float Hopping parameter. bandwidth : float Alternatively, bandwith. replace : bool Overwrite existing output file? Returns ------- ndarray Energy. ndarray Density of states. """ if not replace and path.exists(file): return if bandwidth is not None: t = bandwidth / 4 points = int(round(4 * t / de)) + 1 points += 1 - points % 2 e, de = np.linspace(-2 * t, 2 * t, points, retstep=True) dos = np.empty(points) dos[1:-1] = 1 / (np.pi * np.sqrt((2 * t) ** 2 - e[1:-1] ** 2)) dos[0] = dos[-1] = 1 / de - sum(dos[1:-1]) with open(file, 'w') as out: for i in range(points): out.write('% .10f %.10f\n' % (e[i], dos[i])) return e, dos
[docs] def chain_a2F(file='', dw=1e-4, l=1.0, w0=0.02, wlog=None, replace=True): """Calculate and save Eliashberg spectral function of 1D lattice. See Eqs. (63) and (64) of Phys. Rev. X 13, 041009 (2023). Averaging the electron-phonon coupling over k yields this Eliashberg spectral function. The lambda parameter `l` is g0 / w0 squared times the density of states. Parameters ---------- file : str Path to output file. dw : float Energy resolution. l : float Effective electron-phonon coupling. w0 : float Second-moment average phonon frequency. wlog : float Logarithmic average phonon frequency. replace : bool Overwrite existing output file? Returns ------- ndarray Energy. ndarray Eliashberg spectral function. """ if not replace and path.exists(file): return if wlog is None: wlog = w0 / np.sqrt(2) points = int(round(2 * wlog / dw)) + 1 w, dw = np.linspace(2 * wlog, 0, points, endpoint=False, retstep=True) w = w[::-1] dw *= -1 a2F = np.empty(points) a2F[:-1] = l / np.pi * w[:-1] / np.sqrt((2 * wlog) ** 2 - w[:-1] ** 2) a2F[-1] = (l / dw - a2F[0] / w[0] - 2 * sum(a2F[1:-1] / w[1:-1])) * w[-1] with open(file, 'w') as out: for i in range(points): out.write('% .10f %.10f\n' % (w[i], a2F[i])) return w, a2F
[docs] def square_dos(file='', de=1e-3, t=0.25, bandwidth=None, replace=True): """Calculate density of states of square lattice and save it to file. Parameters ---------- file : str Path to output file. de : float Energy resolution. t : float Hopping parameter. bandwidth : float Alternatively, bandwith. replace : bool Overwrite existing output file? Returns ------- ndarray Energy. ndarray Density of states. """ if not replace and path.exists(file): return if bandwidth is not None: t = bandwidth / 8 points = int(round(8 * t / de)) + 1 points += 1 - points % 2 e, de = np.linspace(-4 * t, 4 * t, points, retstep=True) mid = points // 2 dos = np.empty(points) dos[:mid] = ellipk(1 - (e[:mid] / (4 * t)) ** 2) / (2 * np.pi ** 2 * t) dos[mid + 1:] = dos[mid - 1::-1] dos[mid] = 0.0 dos[mid] = 1 / de - dos[0] / 2 - sum(dos[1:-1]) - dos[-1] / 2 with open(file, 'w') as out: for i in range(points): out.write('% .10f %.10f\n' % (e[i], dos[i])) return e, dos
[docs] def box_dos(file='', de=1e-3, t=0.25, bandwidth=None, replace=True): """Calculate rectangular density of states and save it to file. Parameters ---------- file : str Path to output file. de : float Energy resolution. t : float One eighth of the bandwidth. bandwidth : float Alternatively, bandwith. replace : bool Overwrite existing output file? Returns ------- ndarray Energy. ndarray Density of states. """ if not replace and path.exists(file): return if bandwidth is not None: t = bandwidth / 8 points = int(round(8 * t / de)) + 1 e = np.linspace(-4 * t, 4 * t, points) dos = np.empty(points) dos[:] = 0.125 / t with open(file, 'w') as out: for i in range(points): out.write('% .10f %.10f\n' % (e[i], dos[i])) return e, dos
[docs] def steplike_dos(file='', de=1e-3, t=0.25, bandwidth=None, ratio=6.0, d=0.02, replace=True): """Calculate and save steplike DOS [Akashi, Arita, PRB 88, 014514 (2013)] Parameters ---------- file : str Path to output file. de : float Energy resolution. t : float One eighth of the bandwidth. bandwidth : float Alternatively, bandwith. ratio : float Quotient of densities of states after and before the step (N+/N-) d : float Width of the step. replace : bool Overwrite existing output file? Returns ------- ndarray Energy. ndarray Density of states. """ if not replace and path.exists(file): return if bandwidth is not None: t = bandwidth / 8 inner = max(2, int(round(d / de)) + 1) outer = max(1, int(round((4 * t - 0.5 * d) / de))) points = inner + 2 * outer e = np.empty(points) dos = np.empty(points) e[:+outer] = np.linspace(-4 * t, -0.5 * d, outer, endpoint=False) e[-outer:] = np.linspace(4 * t, 0.5 * d, outer, endpoint=False)[::-1] e[outer:-outer] = np.linspace(-0.5 * d, 0.5 * d, inner) N0 = 0.125 / t delta = (ratio - 1.0) / (ratio + 1.0) * N0 dos[:+outer] = N0 - delta dos[-outer:] = N0 + delta dos[outer:-outer] = np.linspace(N0 - delta, N0 + delta, inner) with open(file, 'w') as out: for i in range(points): out.write('% .10f %.10f\n' % (e[i], dos[i])) return e, dos
[docs] def gaussian_a2F(file='', dw=1e-4, l=1.0, w0=0.02, s=0.002, replace=True): """Calculate and save Gaussian example Eliashberg spectral function. Parameters ---------- file : str Path to output file. dw : float Energy resolution. l : float Prefactor (expected value of electron-phonon coupling). w0 : float Center (expected value of Einstein frequency). s : float Broadening. replace : bool Overwrite existing output file? Returns ------- ndarray Energy. ndarray Eliashberg spectral function. """ if not replace and path.exists(file): return w = np.arange(w0 - 5 * s, w0 + 5 * s, dw) w = w[w >= 0] a2F = l * w0 / (2 * np.sqrt(np.pi) * s) * np.exp(-((w - w0) / s) ** 2) with open(file, 'w') as out: for i in range(len(w)): out.write('% .10f %.10f\n' % (w[i], a2F[i])) return w, a2F
if __name__ == '__main__': np.set_printoptions(threshold=9, edgeitems=1) square_dos('') for item in sorted(get(dos='', n=0.5, tell=False).items()): print(('%9s = %s' % item).replace('\n', '\n' + ' ' * 12))